Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 5/31/24

Year: 2024

JEL is an international scientific and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that provides sharing of academic studies that contribute to the field of English language. Our journal aims to publish innovative, contemporary and original academic studies in these fields with an interdisciplinary approach.

JEL is an international scientific and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that provides sharing of academic studies that contribute to the field of English language. Our journal aims to publish innovative, contemporary and original academic studies in these fields with an interdisciplinary approach.

All studies submitted to our journal for evaluation should be prepared based on the sample article template (click to download the template). Once the template has been uploaded, the texts should be adapted to the relevant sections of the template without any changes to the template. Studies that do not fit the model/not produced on the template will be returned to their authors without evaluation. Other points to consider are the following:
• In articles, “Times New Roman” font should be used with 11 font size, 1.5 line spacing, and 6 pt spacing should be left before and after. The text should be written in single column and justified. Each paragraph should consist of at least three sentences. Paragraphs should start with a 1 cm indent and 1 line (12nk) should be left between paragraphs. In articles that require the use of a special font, the font used should also be sent with the article. In the page layout of the article, 2.5 cm margins should be left from the top, right and left edges and 1.5 cm from the bottom. The Turkish and English titles of the studies should be written with the first letter of each word capitalized, aligned to the left, and should be in 20 points and bold.
• The name and surname of the author(s) should be written in Times New Roman 14 points, normal and left aligned.
• The purpose, method and findings-results of the article should be included in the abstract section and should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 10 points and single line spacing. The number of keywords under the abstract should be at least 3 and at most 5. If the article is written in English, Abstract and Key Words should be included first, then Abstract and Keywords should be written. If the article is written in Turkish, Abstract and Keywords should be included first, followed by Abstract and Key Words.
• Papers should be at least 5000 and at most 8000 words, including extended abstracts.
• Each article submitted to the journal should include an Extended Abstract of 750-1000 words after the "References" section. If the language of the article is Turkish, the extended abstract should be in English; if in English, the extended abstract should be in Turkish. Extended abstracts should not contain subheadings, should be in a single column and of the specified length. Extended abstracts should be written in "Times New Roman" font, 11-point font size, single-spaced, with 6 pt spacing before and after. The abstract should be a holistic text that includes the purpose, scope, theoretical framework, methodology, findings and results of the study and should include all relevant parts of the study. The Extended Abstract should be placed at the end of each study, immediately after the References section, and the study should be uploaded to the system as a single MS Word file.
2. When referencing, the 7th edition of APA (American Psychological Association), which is the citation method for the text, will be used. In citations and bibliography, authors will follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide published by the American Psychological Association. In this regard, the guide named "APA-7-Writing-Rules-and-Citation-Citation" should be used.
3. The references of the studies submitted to our journal should be created using the MS Office Word reference management tool. Hand-generated references and bibliographies are not accepted.
4. All legal responsibility for the content of the works belongs to the author(s).
5. Turkish Language Institution Spelling Guide must be taken as basis in spelling and punctuation of Turkish studies.
6. More than one article of the author(s) cannot be published in a single issue.

1. Journal of English Language (JEL), which started its publication life in 2023, is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published by Maltepe University School of Foreign Languages 2 (two) times a year in June and December.
2. The language of our journal is Turkish and English.
3. The other files that authors should upload to the system together with their manuscripts are as follows:
• Copyright Transfer Form signed by all authors, (Click here for ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT AND COPYRIGHT FORM)
• Ethics Committee Authorisation for studies where the research object is human (field research, in-depth interviews, etc.),
• Informed Consent Forms obtained from participants for studies whose research object is human (field research, in-depth interviews, etc.),
• Sample materials representing the research (questionnaire form, interview transcript, coding sheet, etc.) for studies whose research object is human (field research, in-depth interviews, etc.),
• Permission documents showing that the materials such as scales, visuals, etc. used in the studies were used with permission from the relevant person or institution (if any),
• Copyright Liability Form declaring that the works do not contain any content that infringes copyright.
4. Journal of English Language will include original research articles, book reviews, case reports, translations, conference papers and other types of studies in the fields of Language Education, Adult Education and Learning, Lifelong Learning.
5. Only one article by the same author will be evaluated in each publication period. If there is more than one submission, only one entry will be included in the evaluation process. This condition also applies to single- and multi-authored works. There are no exceptions to this condition.
6. Research submitted for publication in our journal must not have been previously submitted to another journal or published in another publication.
7. Full texts of articles presented at scientific meetings (congresses, symposia, etc.) can be submitted to the journal if they have not been published digitally or in print and the format/content of the article has been changed.
8. The number of articles to be published in each issue is determined by the editorial board and is limited in number. For this reason, the articles that are accepted at the end of the refereeing process are put on hold for the following issues, according to the acceptance dates. No commitment is made as to which issue the accepted articles will be published.
9. Articles can only be submitted to Journal of English Language via DergiPark system. You need a DergiPark user account and ORCID number to submit an article to the journal.
10. All manuscripts submitted to our journal are checked for originality both before the editorial board evaluation and after the referee evaluation process is completed and the manuscript is included in the publication process.
11. The upper limit of the acceptable similarity rate for the articles submitted to our journal is 20%. Studies exceeding this limit will be rejected without evaluation. For this reason, authors are required to determine the similarity rate before submitting their manuscripts to our journal. Since similarity programmes work according to certain parameters, if there is a difference between the similarity rate of the author and the similarity rate determined by the editorial board of the Journal of English Language, the rate of the Journal of English Language will be taken as basis.
12. Since manuscripts that require revisions during the review process are resubmitted to the referees regardless of the type of revision (minor/major), all revisions required for the manuscript should be marked in red and uploaded as such. For manuscripts not uploaded in this way, the peer review will be terminated and the manuscript will be returned to the author.
13. If authors use the reviewer panel as a means of personal communication or disclose their anonymised identities, their research will be rejected as an ethical violation and they will not be allowed to upload their work to any issue of the Journal of English Language.



Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE

No fee is charged from the author or institution.
JEL does not charge any fees.